

in harmony

with soul

All of my life, since I was a child, I was drawn to explore and search “the mysteries” of life. My first real adventure started in 1997 when I discovered Reiki. I was pulled into the world of energies and my life and consciousness started to expand. Back then, I didn’t know where this road will lead, though now I know this was the best thing that happened to me.

I was in a long term relationship with my teenage love and as we married I thought this was a relationship for life. Though, life had a different plan for me. After 12 years we separated and she moved her own way. I went through a period of deep sadness, restlessness and disappointment in life. I didn’t know how to continue, what to do and how to live this new life that was “pushed” upon me. That was how I felt then, though now I know this was a blessing for a new beginning. A new life was the gift that I was about to discover. I was drawn to nature where I cried many tears meditating under an old oak tree. This process opened my heart and I moved on. I saw the world with different eyes and from a new perspective. I was reborn.

As they say every true healer has a soul mission to heal others, however, the universe makes sure that healer can heal himself first. So I did. My seeking and learning transformed into guiding, supporting and teaching others to heal. Reiki, massage and hypnosis are all tools and methods for creating a healthy lifestyle. Just as healthy food is good for body so is hypnosis good for the soul.

My life experience gave me many gifts that I love to share. Hypnosis is only one of them. It always makes me happy to give my love and support, guiding you to remember how it feels to be in peace and harmony again.

We look forward to your next session.

Tom G.


Open the consciousness of mankind to the next level


Creating a new life full of wellness, grace, love, wealth, creativity, tranquility and all else that makes life better and more beautiful
