What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?
QHHT is a gentle, light and deeply relaxing technique that improves your life on all levels; mental, emotional, physical and energetic. Expansion of love, rise in consciousness and a deeper understanding of life happen in each QHHT session. A connection to your High Consciousness, your Soul is established, the movie starts and you see and observe the most important events of your past lives. With this, all of your questions are ready to receive an answer. You gain understanding of those important events and also recognize how to step into the new life that you want to live. A new life that is filled with wellness, grace, love, wealth, creativity, tranquility and everything that makes life better and more beautiful for you. Healing of body may occur if you open yourself and fully accept all related experiences at cause of your ailment.
Exploring your past lives through this session will make you understand that all of the lives are lived simultaneously, not separately and you can only grow and expand through deeper understanding and integration of all the gifts and talents that you have in each one of them.
A QHHT (initial) session has 3 parts:
I. Pre-hypnosis interview
II. Hypnosis
III. Post-hypnosis review
I. The first part of a QHHT session is the interview. During the interview we talk about your life, your health and all other important events that happened along your life. Harmony, trust and a deeper connection are created now between the client and therapist. The interview is like a tuning fork that prepares your vibration for the hypnosis. Before the session, write down all the questions you would like to get answered. Together, we will go through all of them to rephrase if needed and get to the core, to make sure to receive the best answers for you.
II. The second part is the hypnosis session. While you are comfortably lying in bed, I guide you into a deep, relaxing, meditation-like state, where you connect to the High Consciousness, your Soul, to see the most important events from your past lives. In this state you are able to see and understand how your life and health have been influenced and limited in the past. You will be given perspective and understanding how to live a life that you truly want and that is in alignment with your true self. You are aware and conscious of your body and everything that is happening during the session. All of your questions will be answered and you’ll receive unique insights about yourself and your life. Healing of the body occurs now if you have fully embraced and accepted the experience at cause of your ailment.
This is a very individual process that continues even after the session until full integration of the new consciousness and healing is accomplished!
The whole session is audio recorded and this recording will be sent to you to listen and continue to fully integrate the insights and guidance received in the session.
III. The third part is the review where we go through all important parts of the session to bring clarity and anchor your experience. This is the time where you ground and connect fully with your body.
The whole session lasts 4-5 hours.
You can ask any question you like. The hypnosis part of the session can last up to 2.5 hours. For this reason, it’s best to prioritize your most important questions to the least important ones.
The average number of questions people bring to the session is between 10 and 30. Feel free to add your lower priority questions to the end of your list and we’ll get to them if time allows.
To prepare for your session:
Send me your questions via email the night before (or earlier) so I can make a printed copy.
Set up a purpose for the session before you start writing down your questions to create harmony in this whole experience. Have an open mind and be curious.
Avoid eating a large/heavy meal a few hours before the session.
Avoid drinking coffee before the session. If you really need it, a small morning coffee is fine.
Don’t use drugs or alcohol on the day of the session and the day before.
Wear comfortable clothing.
QHHT is a truly unique experience, being different for each person. When you are open and relaxed, you have a direct contact with your High Consciousness, your Soul and you can achieve the goals that you want. Just enjoy the experience and let the universe take care of the details.
If you have any questions about QHHT, feel free to ask.
Everyone may start with the initial session to experience connection and guidance from your High Consciousness, your Soul. This session can have profound, gentle and deep influence on your life and your perception of life in general. Then, it is up to you how much further you would like to go. Every new session brings new insights and broadens your consciousness.